Friday, October 24, 2008

Does This Image Mean Anything Anymore?

Why is being hurtful and mean so socially acceptable now?

Do your actions reflect the actions of a true Christian? Are you loving, kind, caring and forgiving? Do you live by the truth? Do you live by the words of the bible or is your ajenda to be hean and hurtful to gain empowerment?

The power or idea of gaining power is not what is going to make you happy. Being mean and hurtful may feel good for a while, but eventually that "high" wears off and you are off again to find the newest bit of evil to spread. By these things I am not impressed.

My heart is breaking knowing that a very good friend of mine is going through some really trying times. I know in my heart she is a wonderful person with morals and Christian values and that she shows them day to day in her actions and willingness to help others.

I pray that God keeps her strong.

I pray that God helps those who are trying to find empowerment the wrong way CHOOSE the right path for them to set them in the right direction.

Please know my friend that we are praying for you and your family! We love and support you 100%.
