Friday, February 22, 2008

And I thought the shortage was for blood

Did anyone see this? This was posted at the Newton KC Hall. I guess hijinks don't just go on at our house! I swear Johnny had nothing to do with this!


Rebekah said...

I just can't figure out why no one called and asked me to donate to the BOOB drive???

Amanda said...

No kidding. I have plenty of that to help with the supply and demand:) Wonder if there a waiting list. BTW...glad you found my blog.

Sarah D said...

I had a couple of pints for them!

Wonder if they got me down to a C cup if I would get a free t-shirt?

Bamp said...

John may not have had anything to do with this but you know he would have if he just would have thought of it. Of course, I would have helped him!!

BB said...

This pix needs to be submitted to the Jay Leno Show!