Sunday, June 15, 2008

Momma Said There'd Be Day's Like This

Anyone ever tell you be careful what you wish for? Well, I wished for a new job that paid better, had no evening hours and worked at a faster pace.

I got it! I started working at the CMH Rural Health Clinic in Robinson and for the past 3 days the above photo is pretty much what me and my dest have looked like.

Now don't get me wrong. I really like my new job. It is better pay, does Not have evening hours and is Very fast paced. I have worked in a medical clinic before with 8 physicians and was never this busy. The difference I guess is that there we had 3 receptionists checking patients in and out and now there is 2. One for in and one for out! I am also doing medical billing which is something I have never done before.

The people in the office are all very nice though and have been very patient with training me and answering questions. I feel bad because I feel as though this puts everyone else behind but they have been very nice nonetheless.

Bring It On! That is what I have to say for now. I kind of raised my eyebrown and made a "you're kidding" look when they told me on my first day that it would be 6 months before I was "comfortable" in my new job. They were'nt kidding!

No in between for me...from one extreme to the other. From not being busy at all to balls to the wall! Makes the days go by a lot faster. Hey, I didn't think about it until just now but I guess that would also mean that the projected 6 months will go alot faster too!

Wish me luck and if you don't see me for a while, you might want to check under the stack of papers on my desk in Robinson. I will probably be burried there for a while.