Saturday, September 6, 2008

Has Anyone Else Ever Been Rain Sleddin?

Sunday as we all know we woke to the wonderful sound of pouring rain. I having a very active 4 year old wondered how in the world I was ever going to keep him busy all day long without any major melt downs.

Problem: It was pouring down rain! :(

Solution: Dress the child up like the Gorton's Fisherman and send him out in the rain telling him not to run in and out and hope for the best! :)

This is the end result! A new sport! Did I mention he also has a very good imagination. A few minutes after Daegan went outside I decided to look out the window to see where he was and what he was doing. I saw him in what seemed to be knee deep water in our ditch with his sled. I had no idea what he was doing until I raised the window and asked him what he was doing with the snow sled. Duh! Rain Sleddin! Now hind sight is 20/20....looking back I should have known the answer to that right? Well next time I won't ask!

He had such a good time. Yes it was messy, yes he was soaked, yes he did have muddy clothes and feet but....All I could do was smile. This would have been something my parents would have done with us back in the good ole days to keep us busy and I just kept thinking what a sad world we would live in if our children couldn't go outside and play and create things such as "rain sleddin"!

Way to go Daegan! Great use of the old thinker! Keep having fun little man!