Thursday, January 29, 2009

For My Good Friend

This is for my wonderful friend Jessica Flowers and her family! I am aware that your family has been going through some really rough stuff for the past several months! I want you to know that those who are out to hurt you and your family and friends are small! Small in numbers and weak in strength! I know what is being done is very hurtful but stay strong! YOU ARE STRONG! YOUR NUMBERS ARE MANY and most of all GOD IS ON YOUR SIDE! You have to know that you have more friends than enemies and that the enemies are just drawing at straws to pit people against you. You are who you are and you are wonderful and genuine and true to people and it is not going to work. Your true friends will love and support you through it all! I know that I could not have made it through the past few years without such a wonderful person on my side to listen, care, love and just be themselves! Knowing that I can pick up the phone at any moment and you are there just to listen! Know this Jessica Flowers my family loves you and your family! Our prayers are with you and the ones that you love!

Note: To the "evil doers" of the world whom ever you should be...some day, maybe not today, but someday in some fashion this will all come back to bite you in the butt!

Everyone has the right to make choices! Know that the choices you make affect the lives of more than just yourself and have lasting results. We also have the right to choose and follow God and with his strength we can accomplish anything!

**Negative comments will not be posted. Anyone who reads this and doesn't agree can KEEP IT TO THEMSELVES! I don't blog much anymore and since it is after all my blog I can make the choice of what to put out there. These are my feelings and I will express them. If you don't like it, DONT READ IT!