Friday, June 13, 2008

And I thought I was going to have a day off!

Do you every really look forward to a day off only to get a big wake up call and find out that it really isn't gonna happen? Well that is what happened to me for today. I have today off between switching jobs after 4 years and chose this to be my relax day. Well, not exactly. My dryer shot craps last week and Johnny graciously took the laundry that I had done to the laundry mat to dry. Unfortunately the days and weeks being what they are we have not been able to find the time to go get a new one., on my day off...I get to wash about 7 loads of laundry and pack them to the laundry mat to dry, fold, re-load and then pack them back home where you all know the routine....sort and put away! AAAGGGHHH
Do we ever get a break?

So I've decided, I'm just gonna grit my teeth, smile and do it! I mean what choice do I have. I personally don't have that many clothes and the T-Ball uniform is in the laundry and we have a game tonight! So if any of you out there actually had today off and enjoyed it I'm glad for you. No really I am!

I'll get one one of these days! LOL

Have a great weekend all and don't forget the dad's!


Jess said...

Sorry you don't get the day off like you had planned! But a big Congrats on your new job! Have a good weekend. See ya at the ballpark?? (I guess, if it ever stops raining!)

Johnny said...

what's a day off?