Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Does anyone else have a completely different kid after a haircut?

It always amazes me to see the difference between the "winter" boy and the "summer" boy! I also always seem to forget that as soon as we get the "summer" haircut that we also get a very active little boy! It's as if all the hair on his head is weighing him down and once the clippers hit it the weight is removed and he is free to move (JUMP) around!

Well, I guess with T-Ball and all the other things we will be doing the extra energy was worth it!

Thanks Jess!
The haircut is great (on the big boy too)!


Jess said...

Daegan looks so Big with his hair cut! I told you that boys change when they get it cut off:) he he Isaac is getting his cut today. Yikes for me!

Aubrey said...

Ain't that the truth!!

I buzzed Grady's hair off and boy did he change personality wise and all!!