Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Life Has It's Struggles

Johnny would you have ever imagined when you were a teenager and I was a youngster we would be where we are today? We had some tough times and struggles getting together, we had a major illness to overcome and then we had a few years to live as Husband and Wife together, alone, to do what we wanted, when we wanted and I really enjoyed those years..After that came Daegan. WOW Daegan, I could go on forever about him. I am so very proud of our Mally that it isn't worthy of words. He fills my heart with sunshine and makes the days interesting when we are together. He is the perfect combination of the both of us. Look out, the pre-teen, teen years will probably kill us but I am looking forward to them. Along with children comes responsibility and a rejuggling of time. It seems that things change and the child is the most important thing in life, he says jump, we say how hi. I know we are trying to fix this and I think we are headed down the right path. But in the beginning going down the path was very bumpy. We didn't always agree and one of us felt contraindicted in some way. Now, I feel we are getting on the same page. You are starting to support me more. You are noticing the things that need changed and are working on that.

Life and things have gotten me down alot lately. The month of December pretty much sucked. My dad broke his hip and had to have it pinned, my brother in law found out he was severely blocked to his heart and had had a heart attack at some point and the result of that was a quadruple by-pass, my brohter decided for the first time in what has probably been all my life that he just couldn't do christmas because crowds weren't his thing....35 a crowd? 35 sounds like a party to me but who am I? And then when we thought nothing else could happen our beloved Granny went home to be with God! Now that was a remarkable lady! She definately deserves cudos. Always smiling, never complaining, alwasys ready to tell you a story or play a game of cards! She will be sadly missed by anyone whose heart she ever touched and if she never touched your heart it is your loss! I have never met such a humble woman in my lifetime.

My wonderful husband Johnny has stuck by me and helped me through alot. I have a long way to go but I know that without him by my side I would be completely lost and don't know if I could get through the day..So Thanks! For all the hugs, kisses, text msg, and everything else you do but most of all Thanks just for being you! God put us together for a reason! I need you. Daegan needs us, We need each other!

To Johnny, Thank you so much for Disney! It was everything I expected. Truely Magical! A new smile on any one of our faces every day was worth millions! THANK U SO MUCH!

I will love you until the day after forever!


Johnny said...

SHMILY. Thanks for the cry. I guess I just needed to read how I feel, and realize that I am not alone in my affection for Granny. You brought to my heart a truly, wonderfully, precious emotion. Both sad and happy. My Granny is still so much to me and a whole lot of my make-up. I just hope I can be as content as she seemed to be. As for Disney...it was great even if every nite we went to Tampa.

Nancy said...

So sorry to hear about your family loss and problems.
Sounds like you have a wonderful man as a husband/daddy.
We all make mistakes with our children, we just have to pray that in the end, they mature into great adults and carry on some of what we have taught them.
Your doing a wonderful job!!