Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pet Peeves

Admit it. You have a pet peeve. We all do. Don't try and fool yourself into thinking that the world is perfect and you don't have one. Today, for lack of anything else or interesting to post I am asking you the question....What is your pet peeve?

Bomca (bahm' ka) - n. Can anyone guess what one mine is? I have delivered it to you in the sniglet form of the word. A sniglet you ask? Well if you don't know it is a funny sort of word that isn't in the dictionary but should be that describes different kinds of acts, behaviors and such.

Lets make this fun! Everybody let me know what your pet peeve is and take a guess at what my sniglet means and I will give you the answer in a few days. No cheating please. It will be more fun if you all use your imagination.

Happy Guessing :)


Jess said...

I'm going to guess your pet peeve to be, not covering your mouth when you sneeze.

My pet peeve is when people don't say "please" and "thank you"!

Amanda said...

Try again Jess...I don't like it when people don't say please or thank you either....thats just plain RUDE!

sari said...

I don't know yours, but mine is when people don't let you get out of the elevator when they're trying to get in! (especially if I have the baby with me).

That really chaps my hide! ;-)

Amanda said...

OK, one of my pet peeves is when people lick their fingers or thumbs to turn pages in books. I don't know why but this drives me crazy!

Jess said...

I would have never guessed that!!

Johnny said...

I do that. I am a proud finger-lickin' page turner. So, why don't you just say it out loud, "My husband is my pet-peeve." I still love you though. Half of life's fun is seeing what I am gonna do next that gets your goat. Baaaaaaa for now,Darling.