Monday, May 12, 2008

And So The Day After

Does anyone else out there feel like me? I think sometimes I need mommy classes to help me cope with being the mother of a 4 year old son. An owners manual of sorts......T-Ball practice started tonight and all went really well until Daegan got mad because someome wouldn't throw the ball to I know, pretty 4 year old stuff I realize but it just threw the rest of the evening into a tizzy. I really need to communicate better to my son and I also need to sho him how to act using his words....Right at this very moment I don't feel like such a good mother....I know that when he wakes all will be forgotten but for now I feel like a really louzy mom. I am just going to say a praryer to God that tomorrow will be a much better day. I will take time to sit with Daegan and hold him and love on him as he pleases tomorrow when I come home. I just want Daegan to know that I love him more than life itsef and I will do what ever I can do to make his life a little easelier and help him communicate a little better.

Lord let me be the kind of mother that I know that I can be and also the kind of loving trusting spouse that I can be and the family unit that I know we can all be together! Amen/


Sarah D said...

Of course tomorrow is another day!

Listen, he is 4--a very young age to start playing any sort of organized sports. Meltdowns are to be expected.

I have to tell you I got the biggest laugh reading Johnny's blog and his account of the evening and then checking yours. It really is amazing how Mom's and Dad's see things so different!

Amanda said...

Yeah it is amazing...of course the actual meltdown didn't happen until after we got home. It was cute watching him and I know I need to lighten up.!

Sarah D said...

LOVE the gossip Norman Rockwell. I actually own that print!!

Just waiting to get a new house to hang it in.

sari said...

You know, we all have those tough times. Sometimes I think I have to give myself a time out.

Amanda said...

I definately needed a time out which is why I did the next post. I wanted myself to know and my readers to know all of the wonderful/cooky stuff that my 4 year old does.