Thursday, May 8, 2008

Daily Struggles

I know I am not the only woman out there that has and faces many daily issues all with husbands, children, family, running a household and working and in fact how to balance them all. I feel like I am the juggler in a circus sometimes not doing a very good job but always trying to keep the balls from hitting the floor. Well ladies, and gents the truth be told we can not do it by ourselves. We may think we can, and we may choose to take on the act and role by ourselves but I can assure you that all this does is cause chaos and strain on a relationship between you and your spouse and friction between you and your children/family and feelings of low self-worth in yourself.

I entered into a union of marriage. A partnership. This means that I am not expected to do it all by myself I just need to find the way to let go of some stuff and ask for help. Whether it be physically letting go of some of the household duties or letting go of some of my anxiety and stress giving my husband the benefit of the doubt and actually telling him when he asks "what is wrong" what is wrong. He may or may not listen, but I'm sure I would feel better having said it and who knows....maybe he is listening...maybe they tune out because they being either husbands or wives have been told time and time again that nothing is wrong and so therefore why listen. Anyway...we are trying the a new approach. Communication. After all isn't that what we are supposed to do? Aren't we supposed to be able to communicate with our partner in life? Isn't that person supposed to be our best friend and soul mate? The one we are supposed to be able to share our hopes, dreams, anxieties, feelings and thoughts with? Isn't your partner the one person in your life you are supposed to able to count on to "get your back"? Aren't you supposed to fight to the end for your partner and your children?

So here is to open lines of communication and appreciation of partners and children/family! Be respectful of those you love. Be appreciative of your spouse and children. Don't be afraid to let it go and share the burdon. Don't go to bed angry. And most of all don't forget to say "I Love You" to all including yourself!

"Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family"....Virginia Satir


Johnny said...

any time you need to talk to me I will be there to listen. That is not a guarantee that I will agree with everything you say. You know that I love you. Now know this; if ever a problem seems too heavy to bear alone there is always room on my shoulders for it. Your happiness is my life,and you already take my breath away!