Monday, March 31, 2008

You're Gonna Miss This

I am a huge Trace fan if nobody has noticed. This is his latest #1. Listen to the lyrics. It is pretty moving. I think we all need to encourage our children to slow down and enjoy life. I'm not that old but there are a lot of things I have missed and I know a lot of things I haven't slowed down enough to remember!

Better Late Than Never

Well it has been several days since the show Celebrity Apprentice ended and although Piers Morgan delivered in brining in the most money at the auction and overall all throughout the show Trace would still have been my pick. Now I realize that it was what it was and that was a "business game" as Piers said but what and how Trace handled himself both inside and outside of the boardroom just goes to show that you can play a game and still keep what matters at hand. Trace stated “I intend to conclude my time on this show with my dignity in tact, and I will try to be as respectful as Piers will allow me to be.” As a representative of FANN, his family and the country music association I believe he did just that! I know he did a lot better than I would have! I would have kicked his butt! I was also very surprised and delighted that when asked all but 2 of the contestants said they would have picked Trace and even Ivanca bid on and won the night out with him. I think that says it all.....Maybe the Donald should have listened to his daughter. In my book Trace was the winner. It's not always about the money. It should be how you conduct yourself when in the position. Way to go Trace! I'm sure your daughter is proud of her daddy!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Celebrity Apprentice

Tonight is the season finale of Celebrity Apprentice from 8-10. I sure hope that Trace kicks butt! It would be nice for a country boy to show that as Johnny says "Just because I talk slow doesn't mean I am slow". I think he has a good chance. Time shall tell!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Thank You Easter Bunny!

Well as if Saturday wasn't challanging enough with the painting and egg coloring. This is what Daegan got from my sister for Easter. He has been asking for this for a long time and I had always decided that it would be OK if someone else got it for him but I was not about to be the on. He was so excited he finally got his moon sand and I once again got something that has to be cleaned up. Here's to you Moon Sand!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Momma Can I color Easter Eggs?

Once again today I caved to the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.........What Were You Thinkin????????? I had just cleaned up from the painting mess. Now Easter Eggs? What was I thinking?

So momma Can I color Easter Eggs? Perty, Perty Please? Daddy will help..He promised :) I promise we won't make a mess. Actually they did a really good job. So 20 eggs later.....

Look Momma, we even put them in a carton for you. Aren't they pretty?

And finally the finished product. A Big Shout Out To Daegan. You Did a Really Good Job Buddy!

Momma Can I Paint?

It seems that I am a sucker on Saturday's. Today especially. I tend to think that daycare for Daegan is sometimes like work for us and that on the weekends he should be able to do something he wants to do. So this morning.....this is what he did.

By the look on his face it appears that the paint fumes were a little strong in the room......... Don't worry, he was using Crayola finger paints.
It didn't occur to me until after I got him into the bathroom to clean up that this was the day before Easter. This would classify as a pure Dr. Phil moment...What were you thinkin?

Hopefully a little soap and water will do the trick.....Do you think it worked?
Well..........except for the spot on his chin and a little green paint under his finger nails that it all came off in the end!

Just one question though? Who is this kid? This doesn't look like my baby Daegan. I almost think he kind of looks like his dad here? All I know is that he sure does look like a big kid.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hey Jude

I saw this on You Tube and thougt it was vary cute. I hope you all enjoy as much as we did.

Monday, March 17, 2008

My Dad has the Midas Touch.....I'm Jealous

Johnny and I have tried to keep my family close at hand since I moved down here and especially since Daegan was born. I know, 60 miles isn't is only an hour but sometimes it feels like hundres of miles. Anyway we try to see my parents every other weekend in the summer and a little less in the winter because we are all very careful to what we expose my dad to.
I hold my father very high up in my life and my goal was that Daegan has as high of a regard for his Papaw as I do. My dad being older and not of good health I wasn't sure how this was going to work out.....As you can clearly see, I think that it has happened. Daegan acts and talks as though he sees my parents on a daily basis and it really does my heart good.
This picture in particular makes me a little jealous. It has been literally a year or more since my son has fallen asleep in my arms . Not even when he had his tonscils out did he cling to me.
I know that this was hard for my dad to do. Not because he didn't want to but because Daegan is so heavy and my dad has arthritis so bad that he has almost no joints anymore but Daegan was exhausted and needed his papaw.
My dad is currently undergoing some tests to possibly have part of his lung removed. Please Pary for him.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

It Has Finally Happened.....Poor Kristy Jo

She's gone, She's gone, She's finally gone. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending Rock of Love 2 tonight but I do know that I am glad she finally fessed up and decided she had one to many guys dangling around her life to keep hanging around the Bret mansion. I'm very sure the girls on the show partied long and hard with out her. No more drama from her....Only a few more left. Who will get your vote?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Does He Have A Chance?

Who is your pick to win Celebrity Apprentice?
Well, this is the chance for a good ole boy, redneck, cowboy to prove his stuff! I would love to see Trace win. He is smart, has had really good ideas, been consistant, has proven to be true to what he is, IS NOT a back stabber and I must admit that may get him in the end but at least he is being a complete Gentleman, has consistantly generated $$ for his team, made what looked to be an awsome sandwhich and last but not least is good eye candy.
I'll be sad when it's over. I didn't like The Donald until Trace made his way to the boardroom. I guess Donald has love for even the most middle of class peeps! Good to see!

Howdy Y'all!

Does anyone else love Paula Deen aka Haula Deen?(as Daegan calls her) Well Daegan thinks that Haula Deen is the "queen bee". I have witnessed on more than one occasion my 4 year old son catching a glimpse of her or hearing her voice on the TV and come runnin saying "Haula Deen, Haula Deen! What is she making today?" and then watch with full intent her whole 30 minute show. I'm so proud! I am pretty much a HUGE Paula Deen fan and have several of her cookbooks. Wonderful on the taste buds......Not so wonderful on the figure....Oh well. I married a Southern Man so he is all about the butter too :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Well, it has finally happened. After many long years of not being connected to the internet at home........I'm finally complete. Yes it is true, as of about 6:30 this evening we have the internet. At HOME! I am sooooo excited. I am so looking forward to being connected after 5:00. The downside...well, for a lack of space and not wanting this thing to be in the living room, the computer is in my bedroom. Good for me and bad for me! I must admit this is my ultimate addiction! Not kidding....I have serious problems shutting down and being an insomniac....well enough said. So pray for me that you don't see me walking down the street like my friend Frankie here. I hope I have the good sense to know when enough is enough and turn this thing off!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Meet The Parents

I just thought since I knew most of your parents I would introduce you to mine.
Introducing Bill & Erma McConkey. If any of you know me at all you know that I am a huge supporter of my parents! My dad especially.....yes you heard me right, I'm a "Daddy's Girl". hadn't guessed that. Well I am! It is not a very good picture of them but hey it was after a long day of opening Christmas presents that they told us all not to buy and with a house full of people, 33 in total, you can't really expect them to look "fresh as daisy's" they are!

Ride Em Cowboy
Dad says "the trick is to keep your hand in the air and your cowboy hat on!"
Mom says "the best ending to a long day is that beautiful smile!"

I'm a ham, yes I am, I'm a ham, ham, ham, yes I am....(just like my dad). This is usually an evening activity at least 3 night a week. Daegan, cowboy hat, CMT and dancing. It is super cute. Not to mention my heart melts when he asks "mommy do you want to dance?"

Friday, March 7, 2008

And Then There Was Daegan

Isn't he cute? Three years after Johnny & I were married.....God gave us the most wonderful gift in the world! Daegan William Dale Hood 3/10/04 12:20am 7 pounds 1 oz. These are just a few of my favorite photos of my beautiful son. It is hard to believe his is going to be 4 on Monday. You heard me right.....4! It might as well be 14. The time goes by so fast. Tomorrow he will be asking for the keys, the next day graduating from high school, then college and then getting married and starting his own family. My prayer: God please don't let me be one of those mother-in-laws. I will pray that every day from now on! My promise to Daegan: I will cherish you forever and always be the best parent I can be and give you all of the love that I have. I will always remember every kiss, hug, smile, touch, tantrum, fit, boo-boo, swirley and word. I will love you unconditionally always! Thank you for being my wonderful son!
Mommy Loves You!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Seven Years and Counting!

Well, we are at 7 years and counting! It has been the longest and shortest 7 years of my life. Life has definately been good. I have a wonderful husband and companion that has jumped more than his share of hurdles in the last several years and together we have a wonderful son! Thank you Johnny! Happy Anniversary!