Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daegan and his Evil twin

I'm The Cute One

I'm The Evil One

Well, it finally happened. We have wondered on several occasions if there wasn't an evil 4 year old living in our home but today HE ARRIVED! After church today Johnny and Daegan walked home and I went to the store to get lunch. Upon arrival at home they found a lovely red marker (supposed to be washable). Daegan showed me the pretty picture they colored and as I start through the house I hear his dad, teeth clenched, talking in that "really mad dad voice" "YOU are Really in Big TROUBLE!" Me: "what did he do now"? I was motioned to the bathroom where my beautiful son and his evil twin decided they needed to decorate a little more. So my toilet had Red circles on both the lid and the seat, my sink had scribbles all over the top, continuing around the room to the wall, closet door, and last wall where it stopped, or so I thought! During clean-up Daegan comes in and says "mommy, I'm really sorry". It took Johnny and I about 20 minutes and lots of soft scrub and bleach to clean up this mess! Mission accomplished...I thought. Later as I am in the bathroom with the door shut I look over and realize that there is a big red circle on the back of the door! This one will not come off! Whoever invented "washable markers" should be locked up in a room with small children all of whom have a wonderful marker and have to clean up the mess afterword. Jess, I now truely feel your pain. AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!

Friday, April 25, 2008

This Is For You Bill :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Work or Excitement.....You Decide

I love this little man more than life itself and so today Johnny and I made an impulse purchase. There were a couple of things we would liked to have had first and foremost being a motorcycle that Johnny and I could take on roadtrips but the more I thought about this I realized it only inlcluded Johnny and I and Daegan was left out. The next option was a camper.....So we are now the proud owners of a camper. I am hoping this will make summers exciting and that Daegan will love the experience. I love to camp. There is something to sitting by a fire, no TV, watching children play, cooking out, eating all kinds of junk that just makes a day. My only concern is I can't keep my own house clean......Now I have 2 houses to keep clean....What was I thinking? OH Well summer...Here we come! Introducing our New/Used 2003 Fleetwood Destiny Series Sedona. This sucker is huge. I'm really excited to have it at the beginning of the season....Well, those of you who know us if you can't find us at home you might take a drive around Sam Parr....We would love to have you!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pet Peeves

Admit it. You have a pet peeve. We all do. Don't try and fool yourself into thinking that the world is perfect and you don't have one. Today, for lack of anything else or interesting to post I am asking you the question....What is your pet peeve?

Bomca (bahm' ka) - n. Can anyone guess what one mine is? I have delivered it to you in the sniglet form of the word. A sniglet you ask? Well if you don't know it is a funny sort of word that isn't in the dictionary but should be that describes different kinds of acts, behaviors and such.

Lets make this fun! Everybody let me know what your pet peeve is and take a guess at what my sniglet means and I will give you the answer in a few days. No cheating please. It will be more fun if you all use your imagination.

Happy Guessing :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

20 things about Mandy by Johnny

1. My darling's name is Amanda.
2. She is a natural red-head, with all the bells.
3. I met Mandy when I was 15 and she was 5. She came out of church holding her mom's hand.
She saw me and dropped her mom's hand, ran to me grabbed my hand, looked up at her
mom and said, "One of these days, I'm gonna marry Johnny Hood." Her mom said,
"Oh, no you're not." Guess Mandy showed her!
4. I have never seen a smile so beautiful.
5. When Mandy holds our son I can feel the love in the air.
6. She looks great on horseback.
7. She feels fabulous in my arms.
8. She %(*&*^&^&^%)$##%%) (NOT MEANT FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC use your
9. She is a great cook.
10. She pushes me.
11. Her favorite phrase is "suck it up."
12.I never run out of things to do.
13. I get lost in her eyes.
14. She doesn't mind getting dirty but will not be that way for long.
15. I love the way she smells.
16. When she holds me, I get a little weak in the knees.
17. She is a very good Mom.
18. She can make me madder than any other person alive.
19.She saved my life.

Things about my spouse

1. What is your man's name? Johnny
2. How long have you been together? Our first date was in May 2000 so about 8 years
We got married March 3, 2001.
3. How long did you date? 10 months
4. How old is your man? 47... he has 10 years on me.... (and I thought I was getting old)
5. Who eats more? Definately Johnny
6. Who said "I love you" first? Johnny
7. Who is taller? Johnny
8. Who sings better? Johnny
9. Who is smarter? Johhny
10. Whose temper is worse? We both have bad tempers
11. Who does the laundry? What kind of question is that?? I DO
12. Who takes out the garbage? Johnny
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep alone
14. Who pays the bills? we both contribute to paying the bills, but I actually pay them:)
15. Who is better with the computer? Me
16. Who mows the lawn? Johnny
17. Who cooks dinner? I do mostly
18. Who drives when you are together? I do for obvious reasons
19. Who pays when you go out? both
20. Who is most stubborn? ha ha.... good question..... how would one get the answer to that?
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? um...... neither
22. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine... they live 60 miles away
23. Who kissed who first? Johnny kissed me..... Like I would have kissed him first??? no way:)
24. Who asked who out? Johnny asked me out first
25. Who proposed? Johnny..... it was so sweet too!
26. Who is more sensitive? ME
27. Who has more friends? me.... well maybe
28. Who has more siblings?Johnny

So what's the story with you and your man? We are here for each other, we are not going anywhere, I love him dearly and I think we kind of saved each other. I'm glad to have him.

99 Things about me

1. My middle name is Gayle
2. I used to like the rain
3. My favorite color is Diamond
4. I am a "tom boy"
5. My eyes are blue
6. I am a Paris Tiger
7. I love Halloween
8. I have a full time outside the home job
9. We have 2 inside dogs, Shambles and Shiloh
10. My son is the light of my life
11. My dad is my hero
12. I am in love with my husband
13. I met Johnny when I was a toddler
14. I have 1 brother and 2 sisters.
15. I am the "baby" of the bunch
16. Stupid people P*ss me off!
17. I have had the same best friend since kindergarten
18. I have only lived in 3 houses in my lifetime
19. I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl
20. I used to like the rain
21. I don't like to garden
22. My natural hair color is red
23. As I get older my hair thins out (that one's for you Jess)LOL
24. I like to buy things for my son
25. If I was rich I would buy my dad 2 new lungs
26. I really enjoy riding horses
27. I love to be at my dad's
28. I love to mow my dad's yard
29. My brother and I only say about 10 words to each other every year
30. I attend the Covered Bridge Festival every year and never buy anything but food
31. I am trying to loose weight
32. I enjoy musicals
33. I would love to see Elton John in concert
34. I miss my friends from Paris
35. I have a few wonderful friends in Newton
36. I have a tattoo on my right ankle
37. I am a Christian
38. I am trying to be a good mother to my son
39. I have no regrets
40. I would like to have more time for myself
41. Johnny and I have been married for 7 years
42. Trace Adkins is my favorit country artist
43. My favorite flower is an Iris
44. My favorite food is cabbage rolls that my mom makes
45. I don't like Surprises
46. I can't stand crooked socks
47. I wish I could make butterscotch pie like my grandma
48. I wish I would have known my grandpa Strow
49. I look forward to seeing all of my friends who have passed away again someday
50. My son thinks I look like a Barbie today.....I wish
51. My favorite movies are Hope Floats and Something To Talk About
52. I am looking forward to taking Daegan to Disney in January
53. Besides Disney the only other place I really want to go is Vegas
54. Sometimes wish I lived in a big city
55. I can pull a horse trailer and back it up
56. I don't like to do yard work at home
57. I think saying so many things about yourself it hard
58. I am grateful Johnny didn't want to move to Mississippi
59. I want to get another tattoo
60. My birthday is in February
61. My birthstone is Amythist
62. I used to like the rain
63. I have been told I speed up to slow down
64. I lost weight when I was pregnant
65. I have high blood pressure as a result of being pregnant
66. I don't call my parents as much as I should. It makes me homesick
67. My mom went down the hill on a saucer in the snow for Daegan
68. My mom still hunts deer and filled both of her tags in 10 minutes this year
69. My mom is an awsome shot with a rifle/shotgun...she doesn't like snakes or cyotes
70. My parents have been married for 54 years
71. I love the smell of fresh cut hay
72. I don't mind being dirty
73. I used to have a lady clean my house (after I cleaned it first)
74. My favorite shows on TV are ER and CSI Vegas
75. I don't ever want to flip another house
76. When I moved down here I had somewhere around 70 pairs of shoes
77. Daegan had 14 pairs of shoes his first year
78. I have a thing for shoes
79. I have a pair of lime green cowboy boots and yes I wear them
80. I am a good listener
81. I am a good friend
82. I don't like liar's
83. I could watch The Grinch, Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman everyday
84. Swimming is not my thing
85. I have only flown 1 time
86. I sweat the small stuff
87. Cinderella is my favorite Disney movie
88. I have never seen an ocean
89. I am a pretty good cook.
90. I used to like the rain
91. I wish I had a hobby
92. My ears are pierced 9 times
93. 8 weeks is way to long for me to wait to get a hair cut
94. I went to my 15 year class reunion and had a good time
95. I think I just dated myself by the previous statement
96. I was definately made to be a boy mommy...cause I think a little girl would kill me
97. I believe in love at first sight
98. I appreciate that my husband is a handy man
99. I love to hear Johnny and Daegan telling stories and giggling in bed at night

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What's your identity?

Question: When a woman becomes a wife and a mother should she completely loose wher own identity?

This is a question I have been strugling with lately and just decided to put it out there and get the general consensus. So let me know what you think.

My identity: Johnny's wife and Daegan's mom.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Time Goes By To Fast

Earlier in the day I caught a glimpse of Daegan and said that he didn't look like my baby anymore he was starting to really look like a "big boy". I have to say I have mixed feelings about him growning up. At the end of every evening it has become the routine for me to read to Daegan before he goes to bed. Tonight after reading "funnies" out of Where The Sidewalk Ends Daegan says to me "Momma, I'm sorry I'm growing up so fast but I just have to"! I feel a little sad at the thought of Daegan growning up, but on the same note I am really exicted about all of the experiences he will have....

My Son Grows Up

Life is fleeting, years rush past... and little boys grow up so fast! Let me take time out to be thankful mine is still here with me. And though I'm busy through the day, let me take time out to play... Let me take time out to smile, to sit with him for just a while... Let me take time out for walks, for swings and sports and quiet talks, for sharing giggles, tickles, and hugs, for patching knees and catching bugs... for running races, climbing trees, for helping with his A - B - C's... For hatching plots and planning schemes, for listening to his thoughts and dreams. Let me tuck him in at night, hear his prayers, turn off the light. And when my busy day is done, let me thank God I have a son....Author Unknown

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hey Momma, I got something for ya!

Minus the goofy grin, this is by far one of the best gifts I have ever received. In Daegan's right hand is a small cluster of spring flowers he plucked out of the yard. I was sitting at the computer and he runs in and sticks them out at me and says "Here Momma, thanks for being married with me"!
Now the best part is that he did this without any prompting from his father. Those moments are always the best!
Thanks Daegan! I love your flowers!

We are in trouble now!

So Thursday night Johnny says to me "So how do I start one of those blog things?"..I cringed but I have been helping him work one up (that I have to approve the posts for) LOL. So give him a shout out everybody and just know I will not be held responsible for what he posts...heheh

Friday, April 4, 2008

Great Evening Away!

Tonight Daegan and I and Jessica and Olivia traveled to Paris to see Seussical The Musical which was the Paris High School spring musical. It was great! The cast did a wonderful job and had several little children as "Who's" who all did very well and looked amazing with their "Cindy Lou Who" hairstyles. Job Well Done!

Thanks Jess and Olivia for joining us! We had a great time!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This Is One of Those Moments That I Didn't Want to Miss

It never occurred to me to take a picture of Daegan while he was sleeping but I am so glad I did. He is so peaceful and so sweet! It made me think that I really need to slow down and enjoy my son!