Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Meet The Felon

So have any of you had to bail a member of your family out of jail? Well, this afternoon I got the pleasure of "bailing" our dog Shambles out of "Doggy Prison"! I have discovered that dogs are much like children in the sense that if they don't get their way they pout and run away from home.

We went camping last weekend for a couple of days and the dogs had to stay home. So last night when Johnny walked to the store the dog decided he would go on his own little "journey". He left the yard, which is something he almost never does unless he is pouting and went for a little walk up to the BP. We discovered he was gone and spent almost 2 hours in the car looking for him. We were told by several people that he was at the BP but we could never find him.

Now I don't know if you can tell by the picture but he is not a little dog. He is more like a monster. A Lazy Monster. We couldn't figure out why he would even get off the sidewalk...that's how lazy he is.

Anyway...much to our dismay we were unable to locate him last night...So today after lunch I called the animal control officer who asked me if he was a big black dog with a red collar...I said yes he is big, yes he is black, no he didn't have a collar (I know, my bad) his next question was is he very big, long haired, and black? I answered yes to all he then proceeded to tell me he must be old because he sure didn't get in a hurry to do anything! Yep! My DOG! LAZY! (should have been his name) So I drove out to "doggy prison" picked up my dog and home we went!

SO now he is grounded! How pathetic is that? He now has his collar on, is safe and warm in his own home and at the present is at my feet on his fluffy pillow, snoring and dreaming (must be chasing a rabbit cause he is running in his sleep!) I hope he had fun because I didn't sleep at all last night worrying about the damn dog! Oh well, glad to have him home and thanks to the animal control officer who decided since we spent 2 hours worth of effort in the car looking for the dog he would not charge us his "bond", which was supposed to be $25.00 for his first offense! Thank You Mr. Watson!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Watch Out! New Driver On The Road

Well, after a very long day I am proud to say CONGRATULATIONS JOHNNY! For any of those who know us, you all know it has been a long road but one worth traveling! Johnny and I spent the day (yes I said day, as in ENTIRE day) in Springfield getting his drivers license! It was a very proud moment. I am so proud of my husband and the things he has acomplished for himself over the last few years I just wanted to take a minute to tell him!

I learned something about myself in the process too. I am addicted to speed. Yes it is true, I like to drive fast and well I guess I just like to drive because having him driving on the way home was one of the most exciting things ever but for me one of the most stressful ever too! :) People have always told me my dad taught us to speed up to get to a stop sign..well today I believe it! It's a wonder I have any finger nails left....hehe

Actually the funny part happened when we got home and got ready to take Daegan to T-Ball. We were in the car waiting on Johnny, Daegan in the back seat and me in the passanger seat cause that is where I am now and here comes Johnny out of the house straight over the the passanger side door. It had been less than 20 minutes since he had driven home and already forgotten he had a brand spankin new drivers license with his very own name on it that made it legal for him to drive...:) It made us laugh!

Very Cool Johnny! I know I'm proud of you and I know all of your friends and family are too! Daegan and I Love You Very Much!

Also, I wanted to say Thank You to Johnny for all of the changes he has made and also to everyone out there who supported us! You know who you are and this is to say that we love you and thank you all so much!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oh and one thing I forgot!

My son is a huge Trace fan, knows all the words to Honky Tonk Badonkadonk and is going to get to see him in concert on August 17th 2008 @ 8:00pm at the Illinois State Fair! I think he is as excited as I am!

More good than bad things about my son!

My son is 4 years old
My son was 4 weeks early
My son has 4 names
My son has red/brown hair
My son has blue eyes
My son makes me laugh way more than he makes me frown
My son likes for me to read to him every night before bed
My son tells me he loves me a lot and daily (and not just when he is in trouble)
My son is very well behaved in the company of others
My son just started t-ball
My son is too smart for his own good
My son is very complimentary of nice things (handbags, haircuts, cologn..etc.)
My son wished me Happy Mothers Day without being promted
My son loves vegetables and has planted his own garden
My son loves flowers and somehow suckered me into letting him plant sunflowers
My son want's his hair to grow out long like the "big boys"....fat chance!
My son likes to go to church
My son likes to pay for things with his own money...(usually just ice cream but hey)
My son knows not to hit girls
My son is very helpful both at home and at daycare
My son likes to help out around the house
My son would rather watch Scooby Doo and Tom and Jerry than the new cartoons
My son can dance way better than his dad
My son is excited to be going to Disney at the first of the year
My son gets way too much stuff for his birthday and Christmas
My son likes to sit with Ray and Debbie at church on Sunday night
My son likes to share his snacks
My son likes to lay in my bed every morning and watch cartoons before going to daycare
My son doesn't miss a thing
My son thinks the movie MIB is cool and I'm trying to teach him the dance at the end
(Hey Bill, maybe your expertise would be handy for teaching him that)hehe!
My son looked just like a Hood the other day and it scared me to death!

Mostly my son is a little "mini me" which is probably why most of the time I think I am never going to survive this "being a mommy", but when the truth is really told, and I sit and think about all my son is and means to me I realize that he is the moon and the stars and the sun in the morning everyday! He is me and I am more than blessed and grateful to have him!

Monday, May 12, 2008

And So The Day After

Does anyone else out there feel like me? I think sometimes I need mommy classes to help me cope with being the mother of a 4 year old son. An owners manual of sorts......T-Ball practice started tonight and all went really well until Daegan got mad because someome wouldn't throw the ball to I know, pretty 4 year old stuff I realize but it just threw the rest of the evening into a tizzy. I really need to communicate better to my son and I also need to sho him how to act using his words....Right at this very moment I don't feel like such a good mother....I know that when he wakes all will be forgotten but for now I feel like a really louzy mom. I am just going to say a praryer to God that tomorrow will be a much better day. I will take time to sit with Daegan and hold him and love on him as he pleases tomorrow when I come home. I just want Daegan to know that I love him more than life itsef and I will do what ever I can do to make his life a little easelier and help him communicate a little better.

Lord let me be the kind of mother that I know that I can be and also the kind of loving trusting spouse that I can be and the family unit that I know we can all be together! Amen/

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day Mom! I Love You
Oh, and your gift when you are feeling better will be well worth it!

I won't be seeing my mother today...she has a terrible case of the shingles and due to the pain I felt keeping my 4 year old from tackeling her was a good idea! She is very much with me in my heart and my thoughts and prayers today!

Happy Mothers Day also to all of my friends, blog friends and family who share this wonderful experience. I hope your day is exactly what you want it to be!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Things Little Boys Will Do

How many of you have little boys? Or big boys? It reallys doesn't matter I don't think. I am a firm believer of the saying "boys will be boys" So I'm there anything interesting or funny that your boy has done today? We could all you a few laughs! This is what mine came up with today...

Upon ariving home from a walk the neighbor kids (1 boy, 3 girls) were out playing in the yard and invited Daegan to join them for a while. I stil had some housework to do so he stayed and played and I went inside to finish vacuuming the LR floor. It was a decent day so I had the front door open and could see out to the front yard. I quickly caught a glimpse of Daegan out of the corner of me eye and thought it was strange he was home so soon since I had just literally walked into the house. Anyway, as I walked to the front door to see what had happened...there he was. He had run across the yard into our yard, dropped trou and was standing like a little statue peeing in the yard. Not the back yard, not the side yard...THE FRONT YARD. When he noticed me standing at the door he simply said "what, I had to pee".

Oh what do you do? I politely informed him that he could have come into the house to do that, realizing that he was completely not listening to me and the most important thing at that moment was gettin his pants back up so he could return to the neighbors to play. Yes they were all out in their yard.

The only consolation I have is that there were 3 little girls at the neighbors house and at least he did have the courtesy to come home instead of dropping his pants and doing it right there. It was good for a good laugh, put a smile on my face and even made me grateful that I have a beautiful son, no matter how mischevious he may be to raise and be a "Mommy" to.

Like I said "Boys Will Be Boys"

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Favorite "Mom" Memories

Since Sunday is Mother's Day I thought we should try something fun. Just for kicks lets all post our favorite, most tear jerking, heartfelt or what we thought to be the most embarrasing moment in our lives at the time "mom memory". Now I know I don't have a lot of blog readers so please pass this site on to your friends and family and for fun lets see how many "laughing so hard I cried" moments we can get posted.

I'll go first....If any of you have mother's like mine you could fill page after page but I'll only mention a few.....

1) A few months ago when we had snow my mom at the age of 70+ went down a hill on a saucer crashing into a fence at the bottom to stop. It was great and Daegan will probably always remember it.

2) The most annoying thing was when I was still at home driving (which I have been doing since I was 8) to town if an animal crossed the road and she didn't think you were gonna stop whe would gasp real loud and throw her arm across you..Like that was gonna keep you from hitting the windshield!

3) The funniest was anytime we went mushroom hunting with my mom....OMG! To get across the crick without laughing until you peed your pants was a feat in itself! My mom has a "crazy cackle" laugh!

4) This is not really a "mom memory" as in not something she did for or to me but a look on her face. I will never forget how beautiful and radiant my mother looked when at her 50th wedding anniversary party my father (who was not in good health and could barely walk) danced with her! It was Amazing!

5) The last thing I will say is that even though we don't alway see eye to eye she believes in me. Even when I don't believe in myself! And she is thrilled to have Daegan as a grandson and it shows by her actions and the look on her face when he walks in the door of her house and says "Hi Mamaw"!

Daily Struggles

I know I am not the only woman out there that has and faces many daily issues all with husbands, children, family, running a household and working and in fact how to balance them all. I feel like I am the juggler in a circus sometimes not doing a very good job but always trying to keep the balls from hitting the floor. Well ladies, and gents the truth be told we can not do it by ourselves. We may think we can, and we may choose to take on the act and role by ourselves but I can assure you that all this does is cause chaos and strain on a relationship between you and your spouse and friction between you and your children/family and feelings of low self-worth in yourself.

I entered into a union of marriage. A partnership. This means that I am not expected to do it all by myself I just need to find the way to let go of some stuff and ask for help. Whether it be physically letting go of some of the household duties or letting go of some of my anxiety and stress giving my husband the benefit of the doubt and actually telling him when he asks "what is wrong" what is wrong. He may or may not listen, but I'm sure I would feel better having said it and who knows....maybe he is listening...maybe they tune out because they being either husbands or wives have been told time and time again that nothing is wrong and so therefore why listen. Anyway...we are trying the a new approach. Communication. After all isn't that what we are supposed to do? Aren't we supposed to be able to communicate with our partner in life? Isn't that person supposed to be our best friend and soul mate? The one we are supposed to be able to share our hopes, dreams, anxieties, feelings and thoughts with? Isn't your partner the one person in your life you are supposed to able to count on to "get your back"? Aren't you supposed to fight to the end for your partner and your children?

So here is to open lines of communication and appreciation of partners and children/family! Be respectful of those you love. Be appreciative of your spouse and children. Don't be afraid to let it go and share the burdon. Don't go to bed angry. And most of all don't forget to say "I Love You" to all including yourself!

"Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible -- the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family"....Virginia Satir